Child & Adolescent nutrition

Child & Adolescent nutrition

Childhood and adolescence are the period during which we form the eating habits that follow us later on in our entire adult life. It is therefore important to set the right nutritional standards for the child to help him or her adopt a healthy relationship with food early.

If you wish that your child:

  • Is educated to eat properly
  • Receives all the nutrients
  • Adopts healthy eating behavior
  • Has the right weight and proper growth
  • Beats childhood obesity

Then this is the right service for you!

During the first session, it is important for me to get to know you and lay the foundations of your diet.

It includes:

• Analysis of your medical history according to the medical examinations that you will have with you
• Write down your eating habits and preferences
• Weight measurements (fat measurement, body measurement, etc.). You should not have consumed any food or fluids before you come
• Define your goals in detail
• Personalized diet based on all of the above

The first session lasts 1 hour and each subsequent session 30 minutes.

Frequency of sessions: 1 per week

• Evaluation of the previous week
• Identification of any issues and solutions to address them
• Adapt and reform your diet based on your next week’s program